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[TCT2009]Robert O. Bonow教授谈TAVI手术

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Bonow 

International Circulation: OK. So, share with us what some of the fundamental elements for the success are for TAVI

Prof. Robert O. Bonow:Fundamental success for the current state- of- the- art is the ability to cross a valve that is heavily calcified ,  expand the valve -- initially with a balloon – and  then to implant inside the aortic annulus a stented bioprosthesis  with very little residual artic regurgitation and without complications that run from device embolization to fracture of calcitic deposits in the embolized coronary occlusion; mal-position of the valve – so that it is not positioned adequately to function normally – and also inadequate dilatation of the stent to fully deploy the valve.  
Prof. Robert O. Bonow: 成功的关键是首先能够穿过严重钙化的主动脉瓣,然后扩张瓣膜,先用球囊扩张,然后在主动脉瓣膜内植入一个生物支撑架,可伴有少量残余的主动脉返流。钙化瓣破坏时小心装置的阻塞和冠脉的栓塞。瓣膜的位置必须放置正确,否则会影响其正常的功能。最后,支撑架扩张不当也无法很好的放置瓣膜。

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