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[ACC2010]II型糖尿病病人进行血脂的治疗在预防心血管事件中的作用--Henry Ginsberg教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/3/16 17:03:00    加入收藏
 关键字:II型糖尿病 心血管事件 


    Henry Ginsberg:总有新药不断被开发出来。在正在研发的药物当中,某些药物试图在现有降糖药物的基础上进一步降低血糖水平,效果还可以。某些药物能够同时降低血糖和甘油三酯水平,也有些药物能够升高HDL-C并且降低LDL-C,但是这些药物都处在早期临床试验阶段。

   <International Circulation>: Could you talk about the new treatment strategy on diabetes patients with CVD?

   Dr Henry Ginsberg: There are new drugs coming out all the time. There are drugs designed to lower glucose levels on top of the available drugs the efficacy is modest. There also some drugs in the pipeline that affect glucose and triglycerides simultaneously trials and there are also drugs to raise HDL and lower LDL out there but these are still in early clinical trials.

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