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[ESC2010]肺动脉高压流行病学及治疗进展——N Galie教授专访

作者:NazzarenoGaliè 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/27 14:03:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Nazzareno Galiè 肺动脉高压  

    <International Circulation>:What is the latest progress regarding the treatment methods for pulmonary hypertension? Which method do you have the most hope for in the near future?


    Prof.Galie:We should improve the performance of our activities at different levels. First of all, there must be implementation of the guidelines. Secondly, we need an appropriate organization for treatment because this is a rare disease and for a rare disease it is important to have few well-organized and experienced centers and this requires the collaboration of health care providers. Of course, from the scientific point of view, it is also important to continue research because even if we have several molecules that have been approved, we need to continue research and explore new areas like regenerative medicine.



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