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[ESC2010] S.E.Harding教授谈心力衰竭干细胞治疗现状及其研究进展

作者:SianEHarding 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/27 14:03:00    加入收藏
 关键字:S.E.Harding教授   心血管疾病  干细胞治疗  基因疗法 


    <International Circulation>:There is some controversy over the sources of embryonic stem cells. How can we deal with these ethical questions?


    Prof.Harding: The UK position has been to accept but legislate strongly about the ethical nature of what you are using. The situation in the UK at the moment is that you can import all the cell lines, but through the UK stem cell bank, and that should be approved in terms of the ethical provenance of the cells and also approved in terms of the use of the cells so that they are not being used for trivial purposes. Therefore, it is a liberal but highly regulated environment. In fact, because of the potential of the induced pluripotent cells, I think it is very likely that<

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