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[GWICC2010]药物洗脱支架最新进展——Manesh Patel教授专访

作者:ManeshPatel 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/19 13:51:19    加入收藏
 关键字:药物洗脱支架 DES   血管内超声 IVUS PCI Manesh Patel教授  

    <International Circulation>:What about the potential for combining IVUS with other technologies like OCT?

    Dr Patel: In our lab, we have started doing OCT studies and obviously here in Asia it is happening a lot more. My view of the future of intervention is that you will use IVUS to guide therapy and use OCT to manage and moderate how it has been done. When I see patients back in the lab and I go back in for complications, I understand it. OCT may obviously also help you on the edges.


    <International Circulation>:Is there any data on DES in PCI for coronary stenotic lesion with distal aneurysm?

    Dr Patel:  There are observational reports from what we call malopposition or areas of aneurysm in studies, from some of the drug-eluting stent trials. In my view, and unless there is data that I am unaware of, there is no data that indicates that drug-eluting stents help in aneurysms.



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