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[AHA2010]降糖药物的心血管安全性——Kausik Ray教授专访

作者:ProfessorKausikRay 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/17 15:18:01    加入收藏
 关键字:低血糖  降糖药物 心力衰竭 K.Ray 

 <International Circulation>: What is your opinion about the current best glucose-lowering medicine that can lead to cardiovascular risk reduction?


  Professor Ray: That’s a tough one because pretty much all of the trials have used complex regimens, they have used more than one drug. If you were to say is there one drug that we have got for which there is the most reliable evidence, it would be metformin. We have that from the UKPDS trial. Beyond that it is much harder to get one particular agent.


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