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[AHA2011]抗栓治疗研究进展——Jeffrey Weitz 教授专访

作者:JeffreyWeitz 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:00:09    加入收藏
 关键字:PTT  肝素 深静脉血栓  磺达肝素钠  导管血栓 

    <International Circulation>:  One of the benefits of the novel anticoagulants is that they may be simpler to administer, how is this the case?
    Prof. Weitz: They are definitely simpler to administer because they don’t require the monitoring and dose adjustments.  We have data, not so specifically for the VTE setting although they are at least as effective and safe for VTE as warfarin, and there is some indication that they may be safer than warfarin, but if we take the population overall it is clear that there is less intracranial bleeding.  It is probably not as common in the VTE population as in the AF population because they are younger.

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