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[CHC2012]经导管主动脉瓣植入术——美国Wake Forrest Baptist医学中心Robert Applegate教授专访

作者:R.Applegate 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/8/24 14:34:53    加入收藏
 关键字:经导管主动脉瓣植入术 TAVI 卒中 短暂性脑缺血发作 

  IC: Have you had to use this flexibility a lot?
  Dr. Applegate: Yes. One of the things learned by the CoreValve experience in the United States was that we were mandated to use CT scanning to define the anatomy of the aortic valve. While we did not realize this before, today it is the bench mark metric for determining the severity of the aortic stenosis, but in terms of the peculiar anatomy of the annulus of the coronaries sinuses, we realize the CT scan is now also the gold standard. Even though SAPIENs and CoreValves are being placed in Europe, I think the proctors began to recognize the value of the CT scan for looking at the anatomy. We do a lot of preplanning; we look repeatedly at these CT scans. It needs to be understood that, despite original claims, one can replace a valve without removing the patient’s. In fact, it is the anatomy itself that allows placement of a stent valve and it is the constituent elements of the valve that keep it in place. Some degree of calcification is good, if a valve has no calcification, one would have to question whether or not senile calific aortic stenosis had even occurred.
  The second thing is the importance of the relationship between the stent valve and the coronary ostium. The SAPIEN valve can be placed because of its low profile: the top of the stent valve is actually below the coronary ostium, which is generally in the upper portion of the sinuses of Valsava. However, there will be cases when this is risky. During the positioning of the SAPIEN valve, the patient’s own valve may be pinned up against the walls of the sinuses, and if the sinuses are not very tall, they may close off the coronary arteries. Good planning and an understanding of that relationship will make this a rare occurrence.
  With the CoreValve, this is addressed by having an hour class appearance:larger just below the annulus in the LV outflow tract, narrower around the coronary sinuses, and larger again to accommodate the ascending aorta. The struts and the interstices of the stent valve are large enough that flow to the coronary arteries is unimpaired. Those are the two major differences at the sight of the aortic valve.
  In terms of their effectiveness, both are associated with a low gradient post-procedure. With SAPIEN, we have long term data that indicate a sustained relief of the obstruction and no return of the gradient. I think we will see the same with the CoreValve. One small nuance is the issue of aortic regurgitation in the CoreValve, though the amount immediately after the procedure almost always diminishes as the nitinol cage expands and settles into the valve. These are both hemodynamically effective valves.

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