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[TCT2009]Christopher J. White教授谈颈动脉狭窄的治疗

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Christopher 

International Circulation:  What is your advice for the treatment of patients with stenosis that have no symptoms?

Prof. Christopher J. White:   I think asymptomatic patients should be approached conservatively.  There is opportunity to harm a patient that would otherwise not have an event.  The event rate in typical asymptomatic patients is low, 1-2% per patient per year.  What we do is we tend to follow patients, looking for evidence of progression of their disease.  If the disease is getting worse or if it is difficult to control then a revascularization procedure is reasonable.  Most patients are treated with medical therapies that have asymptomatic disease. 
Prof. Christopher J. White:  我认为无症状的病人应该保守治疗,有创治疗有一定风险,有可能对患者有害。典型的无症状患者的临床事件发生率低,每人每年1-2%。我们倾向于对病人进行随访,观察疾病是否有进展。如果疾病恶化或难以控制,进行血管成形术是合理的。大多数无症状患者都是接受药物治疗。

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