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[TCT2009]Christopher J. White教授谈颈动脉狭窄的治疗

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Christopher 

International Circulation:  You mentioned proceeding cautiously, what is the first step in that cautious move?

Prof. Christopher J. White:    You want to get a baseline assessment of the stenosis.  We use ultrasound every six months for the first 2-3 years in order to get an idea of the stability of the lesion.  If the lesion is stable, and the patient is on good medical therapy with their cholesterol controlled (LDL ≤ 100 mg/dL) and on a good antiplatelet regimen then I would be very happy with that and would not intervene.  If the patient goes from 55% to 70% then to 80%, then I would worry about that patient and would revascularize that lesion. 
Prof. Christopher J. White:  需要对狭窄的情况进行基线评估。在开始的2-3年内我们对患者每6个月进行一次超声检查,了解病变是否稳定。如果狭窄病变总是处于55-60%,病变稳定,患者降胆固醇和抗血小板聚集的药物治疗效果良好,的确属于无症状患者,那么我对此感到非常高兴,患者不需要介入治疗。如果狭窄病变从55%增加到70%甚至80%,那么我对此类患者感到担心,会对病变采取干预措施。

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