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[ESC2010]房颤治疗策略——GYH Lip教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/9/7 11:52:00    加入收藏
 关键字:房颤治疗 GYH Lip 

    <International Circulation>: Different strategies for stroke prevention in AF include drugs, devices, and ablation. Can you comment on the merits and role of these three different options?

    Prof.  Lip: I think we need more data for ablation and we must remember that ablation does not cure many of the risk factors for stroke and if there is a recurrence of AF in the context of risk factors this can be devastating. Also, with left atrial occlusion devices, this assumes that the clot comes from the left atrium. However, although much of it does come from the left atrium, not all of it does. 


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