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[ISH2010]肾功能不全高血压患者的治疗策略——Juliana Chan教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/11 15:52:10    加入收藏
 关键字:肾功能不全 高血压 治疗策略 蛋白尿 依从性 

    <International Circulation>:  In nephrotic syndrome secondary to diabetes when blood glucose and blood pressure are all under good control  but the level of proteinuria still remains high will the use of hormone therapy be advisable and if so what is the best way to go about this avenue?


    Prof Juliana Chan: Usually, for patients with diabetic proteinuria aggressive control of blood pressure and blood glucose is still the main treatment directive particularly for those who do not have CVD. This is because these are the two main driving forces downstream of this condition. Lipid levels are also very important but randomized controlled studies are not yet available but there are a lot of observational studies telling us that the use of statins might reduce lipotoxicity and protect the kidney. In addition, the use of drugs that target the renin angiotensin pathway such as ACE inhibitors and ARBs will also be very important. Certainly, there is emerging evidence that dual blockade in people with moderate renal impairment may also be useful by reducing proteinuria, slowing the rate of decline in renal function and may also provide CV protection.


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