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[TCI2011]经桡动脉介入治疗的优势及对远期预后的影响——Ferdinand Kiemenij教授访谈

作者:FerdinandKiemeneij 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/12/14 16:16:10    加入收藏
 关键字:PCI 经桡动脉介入 Ferdinand Kiemeneij 

  International Circulation:TRI has been shown to reduce length of stay in hospital and complications. Does it contribute to improved long-term prognosis?
  Prof. Ferdinand Kiemeneij: I think TRI does improve the long term prognosis of patients. However it is important to note that the length of stay usually depends on the respective routines of individual hospitals and not determined by the procedure itself. Since 1994 we have treated PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention)  in an outpatient basis. We have found this not only to be safe but also affordable for the patient. It is not safer than in hospital treatment but nor does it offer a less safe alternative. However, there is of course the potential risk of complications; radial access is associated with very significant reductions in bleeding complications. There is more and more data available now showing that reductions in bleeding can reduce mortality rates quite substantially in PCI patients. Therefore TRI in patients with unstable coronary syndrome and acute MI (myocardial infarction) does contribute to better long term prognosis.
  International Circulation: What do you think is the main barrier for promotion of TRI?
  Prof. Ferdinand Kiemeneij:  I don’t think there are any barriers to TRI since the first procedure, evidence is now accumulating that in the United States where the majority of procedures are done, that TRI is safe. I think also proper education and also improve the quality of our materials such as making the catheters smaller and preventing radial artery occlusion; these are the most important aspects for the adaptation of TRI.

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