

作者:  Whaley-Connell   日期:2010/11/26 16:02:06


<International Circulation>: The development of albuminuria has been identified as an additional possible risk marker that is almost unique to patients with chronic kidney disease, and a marker for predicting cardiovascular disease risk. Can treatment aimed at reducing albuminuria lead to cardiovascular risk reduction as well?

    <International Circulation>: The development of albuminuria has been identified as an additional possible risk marker that is almost unique to patients with chronic kidney disease, and a marker for predicting cardiovascular disease risk. Can treatment aimed at reducing albuminuria lead to cardiovascular risk reduction as well?


    Prof. Whaley-Connell: We believe so. Most investigators currently believe that looking at albuminuria or proteinuria (albumin being the most predominant protein in circulating serum as well as filtered and lost in urine in those with kidney disease), is one of the most potent biomarkers that we have available today in looking at risk for kidney disease and cardiovascular disease progression. Most investigators now are looking at treatment strategies or interventions that target proteinuria specifically as a potential risk modifier.

    Dr Whaley-Connell: 我们认为可以。目前许多研究者认为,白蛋白尿或蛋白尿(白蛋白是体循环血清中最主要的蛋白,在肾脏疾病的患者体内,白蛋白可经肾脏过滤和尿液而丢失)是当今我们正在寻找的可用于预测肾脏疾病和心血管疾病进展的最有效的一个风险标志物。蛋白尿作为一个特殊的有效的风险修正因子,许多研究者目前正在寻找对其的治疗方案或干预手段。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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